Additional Materials about Research Ethics
- Reference Documents
- Readings Related to Research Ethics Issues
- Kassis, Mudar, Rita Giacaman, and Maher Hashweh. “Decolonizing Knowledge Production: Perspective on Promotion and Tenure Regulations in Palestine and beyond.” Middle East Critique 31, no. 2 (March 24, 2022): 105–24.
- Maira, Sunaina (2023 [2012]) “Research Ethics: A Review of Relevant Research Literature”. Dignity Initiative – Birzeit University.
- قسيس، مضر، وماهر الحشوة، وريتا جقمان. "المراجعة الأخلاقية للبحث العلمي: الحاجة إليها وحدودها الأخلاقية في السياق العربي". تبين. مج 10، العدد 38 (خريف 2021).
Kassis, Mudar, Rita Giacaman, and Maher Hashweh. "Research Ethics Review: Its Need and Ethical Limitations in the Arab Context." Tabayyun 38, no. 10 (Autumn 2021).
- Tutorials and Training Courses on Research Ethics
- Relevant Sites